Learning To Work With Seiko Watches

Clocks and watches are beautiful decorative items used almost everywhere. Irrespective of an office or a home, we have them on walls and tables. But have we ever wondered what does it take to make a watch? Or how quickly the mechanic can repair the damage?
Many of us are unaware, but the skill of watchmaking has a separate course and study for itself. Like any professional course, it also requires the certification to get a job in any company or even set up one’s shop.

The Course Features

The watchmaker’s course is an interesting academic choice as it provides an insight into the world of complicated watches. The jobs in top brands like Seiko watches demand the completion of the certified courses.
Horological courses start with the basic introduction to the tools and the parts of any watch or clock. The course progresses with the in-depth study of the methods and the materials used. As the work is on minute components, principles of micro-engineering and mechanics also apply. Drilling the holes and fitting the screws without disturbing other components is also a challenging task to master.

Like every other schooling, there are projects to complete and examinations taken as a part of the evaluation. Many professionals also progress further in the higher study for specifications and getting experience in the field.